Benjamin Ruschin ist Onliner des Jahres in der Kategorie Innovatoren | |

Erstellt am 3 Mrz 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y 0 Kommentare

Benjamin Ruschin ist Onliner des Jahres in der Kategorie Innovatoren

Benjamin Ruschin entdeckte während seines Wirtschaftsstudiums in England seinen Hang zum Digitalen. Praktika bei IBM in Großbritannien und der UBS Bank in der Schweiz bereiteten den heutigen Agenturgeschäftsführer darauf vor: „Hierbei hatte ich das Glück, immer wieder mit Innovationsprojekten rund um neuartige Technologien befasst zu sein.“ Zurück in Wien kümmerte er sich bei dem Sprachsoftwareanbieter Yasssu um das Business Development, heuerte später bei der Agentur Straberger Conversations an und gründete nebenbei die Community Marketing Natives. Heute betreibt Ruschin mit Vienna Digital seine eigene Agentur.

Artikel: Benjamin Ruschin ist Onliner des Jahres in der Kategorie Innovatoren | |

Gen Y proving hard to satisfy in new-age insurance market | HeraldSun

Erstellt am 3 Mrz 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y, Umgang mit Gen Y 0 Kommentare

INSURANCE companies have been warned to lift their game as traditional sales models are put under pressure by the growing expectations of younger digital-savvy consumers.

Although overall global satisfaction levels have improved, research shows the increasingly powerful Generation Y consumers are far from impressed.

The 2016 World Insurance Report, released yesterday by consultants Capgemini, found Australia had recorded some of the biggest improvements for consumer satisfaction, rising to a top-five ranking for the first time.

Australia is now ranked fourth in the world for positive experiences by insurance customers, up from eighth place previously.

Its customer experience level, measuring positive experience on a scale of 0 to 100, was rated at 77.2 points.

Full article: Gen Y proving hard to satisfy in new-age insurance market | HeraldSun

How to Welcome Gen X Parents and Gen Z Students | GW Today | The George Washington University

Erstellt am 3 Mrz 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y, Recruitiing 0 Kommentare

Gone are the days of overly chipper, khaki-clad campus tour guides herding large groups of Baby Boomers through curated tours of brick buildings, according to Jeff Kallay, CEO of higher education consulting firm Render Experiences.

Mr. Kallay has been observing the changing face of campus recruitment for nearly 20 years, and he says that Generation X parents—raised on Nirvana, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Challenger explosion—and their plugged-in, post-millennial children are visiting colleges and universities with a new outlook and new expectations.

According to Mr. Kallay, it’s up to colleges and universities to design “campus visit 2.0.”

“It is a cusp time, and we need to reach a new group of parents, who are stressed mentally and financially, and their children, who have access to more information than ever before,” Mr. Kallay said.

“I’m here to push the conversation forward so that universities can evaluate how they make students feel when they visit because that is how you find ‘best-fit’ students.”

Full article: How to Welcome Gen X Parents and Gen Z Students | GW Today | The George Washington University

Cereal, a Taste of Nostalgia, Looks for Its Next Chapter

Erstellt am 26 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y 0 Kommentare


King Vitaman and I were tight when I was young. Sweetened cereals were a rarity in my house, so beating my siblings to breakfast was the only way to make sure the king and I would have some time together.

I got up early to follow his animated adventures on the back of the box. Even the ingredient list, with its parade of unintelligible words and the promise of a full day’s supply of vitamins and iron, seemed endlessly fascinating. I was rapt until the bowl was empty and his sugarcoated golden crowns had turned the milk to syrup.

Now, I watch my young daughter stare at her cereal box in the morning, pondering a stalk of organic wheat or the plight of a koala. I wonder if she will ever have the sentimental pleasure of her own King Vitaman.

As sales flag, companies are reaching out to millennials and cutting-edge chefs.

Full article Cereal, a Taste of Nostalgia, Looks for Its Next Chapter

Infografik: Generation Y blickt positiv in die Zukunft | Personal | Haufe

Erstellt am 23 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y, Umgang mit Gen Y 0 Kommentare

Haufe geny positiv in die Zukunft infografikinfosys-studie-339720-2

Die Generation Y blickt den Herausforderungen der Industrie 4.0 positiv entgegen

Die Industrie 4.0 wird zu großen Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt führen. Um sich für den Wandel zu rüsten, sind eine gute Ausbildung und entsprechende Fähigkeiten wichtig. Was das für die Generation Y bedeutet, hat eine weltweite Studie untersucht.

Studie: Infografik: Generation Y blickt positiv in die Zukunft | Personal | Haufe

Autos sind für die Generation Y eher Zukunftsmusik | Markenartikel

Erstellt am 23 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y 0 Kommentare

Über Mobilität macht sich die Generation Y in der Regel wenig Gedanken, solange sie funktioniert. Das zeigt die GfK-Studie ‚#GenY und Mobilität‘. Lediglich die Unzuverlässigkeit der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel und der damit verbundene Zeitverlust werden als Stressfaktoren wahrgenommen. Beim Auto sind es vor allem die hohen Unterhaltskosten und Aspekte wie Sicherheit und Praktikabilität, die bei der jungen Generation für Bauchschmerzen sorgen. Dies zeigt auch die ‚GfK Connected Car Studie 2015‘. Häufigste Kritikpunkte sind hier die hohen Kosten für Kraftstoff (42 Prozent der Befragten) sowie Unfallrisiko und Staugefahr (jeweils 35 Prozent).


Vollständiger Artikel: Autos sind für die Generation Y eher Zukunftsmusik | Markenartikel

Employer Branding auf die Generation Z ausrichten: Berufsausbildung statt Hochschulstudium? | B E R U F E B I L D E R

Erstellt am 22 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, employer branding, Generation Y, Recruitiing 0 Kommentare

Der Startschuss für den Wettbewerb um die „Generation Z“ ist längst gefallen. Bezeichnet werden damit die zwischen 1996 und 2000 Geborenen. Wie tickt diese Generation Z, die bereits in den Startlöchern für den Arbeitsmarkt steht?

zum Artikel: Employer Branding auf die Generation Z ausrichten: Berufsausbildung statt Hochschulstudium? | B E R U F E B I L D E R

Next Generation Blueprint for 2016: Report – Roosevelt Institute

Erstellt am 21 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y, Umgang mit Gen Y 0 Kommentare


The Next Generation Blueprint for 2016 is the Roosevelt Institute network’s crowdsourced vision for change—a vision backed by concrete ideas for how we can tackle the complex and looming challenges we face. Based on a survey of 1,000 young people on 160 campuses around the country, the Blueprint lays out an aggressive policy agenda for legislators to… Read more »

Full article:  Next Generation Blueprint for 2016: Report – Roosevelt Institute

Game on: how playing makes work fun

Erstellt am 20 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, gamification, Generation Y, Umgang mit Gen Y 0 Kommentare

game on

We advise financial services firms on how to transform their businesses, and this inevitably involves helping clients restructure who does what and how.

In recent years, we’ve seen the emergence of radical, technology-driven workforce transformation tools that are helping human resources executives deliver significant business results.

These tools include mobile learning and gamification, which can help in the process of change management – guiding people through a journey towards a specific business outcome.

Quelle: Game on: how playing makes work fun

The Muse: Career Help for Millions of Millennials

Erstellt am 20 Feb 2016 in Allgemein, Generation Y, Recruitiing, Umgang mit Gen Y 0 Kommentare

The Muse is a career-oriented site providing streamlined channels between employers and job seekers, career advice from experts, and even optional private coaching. Co-founders Kathryn Minshew (CEO) and Alex Cavoulacos (COO) innately understand how to target career-minded 20-somethings because they fit that profile themselves. But to ensure success, they also bolstered that experience with in-depth testing to effectively target their core audience and understand the problems they need to solve.

Full article: The Muse: Career Help for Millions of Millennials